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Group News

  • April 2018- Nemi wins a runner-up prize at the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition held at the University of Pittsburgh. Congratulations, Nemi!

  • March 2018- Paper accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering journal. Congratulations to Andrew, Anthony, and Greg!

  • December 2017- Group member Andrew Beck successfully defended his MS degree. Congratulations, Andrew!

  • November 2017- Sakineh Tavakkoli wins first place prize in the poster competition at the 9th Annual Sustainability Conference hosted by the ASCE Pittsburgh chapter. Congratulations, Sakineh!

  • October 2017- Dr. Khanna joins the editorial team of Resources, Conservation, and Recycling journal as an Associate Editor.

  • August 2017- Elmira Shamlou joins The Khanna Research Group as a PhD student. Welcome Elmira!

  • June 2017- Jorge Vendries successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Vendries!!!

  • May 2017- Group member and PhD advisee, Nemi Vora is selected for the prestigious International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Young Scientists Summer Program 2017. She will be spending 3 months in Laxenburg, Austria. Congratulations, Nemi!

  • April 2017- Super excited about our new paper on multistage torrefaction accepted for publication in Energy and Environmental Science journal. Congratulations to Greg, Andrew, and other team members!

  • April 2017- Sakineh's work on techno-economic assessment of membrane distillation in collaboration with Prof. Vidic's group is accepted for publication in Desalination journal. Congratulations!

  • March 2017- New collaborative paper led by Prof. Vidic's group on integrating membrane distillation with waste heat is accepted for publication in Desalination journal.

  • March 2017- Our recent paper on FEW nexus published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering is highlighted on the cover page of March issue. Congratulations team!

  • January 2017- Nemi's paper on Food-Energy-Water nexus is accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. Congratulations, Nemi!

  • December 2016- New paper on water reuse systems for net-zero buildings led by Prof. Bilec's group is accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Technology.

  • Dr. Zaimes accepted a position with KeyLogic. Congratulations, Greg!

  • 2016 Environmental Science and Technology Best Papers of 2015, First Runner-up Award (PhD advisee Shauhrat Chopra is the first author on this publication).

  • 2016 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship awarded to Trent Dillon.

  • 2015 First Place Poster Prize to undergraduate advisee to Apurva Shah at the Annual AIChE meeting in Salt Lake City, UT.

  • 2014 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship awarded to George Gregory Zaimes.

  • Vikas Khanna Selected to US National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium held in Irvine, CA, Oct. 27-30, 2013.


University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
3700 O'Hara Street
Benedum Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Tel: 412-624-9603
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