Group News
April 2018- Nemi wins a runner-up prize at the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition held at the University of Pittsburgh. Congratulations, Nemi!
March 2018- Paper accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering journal. Congratulations to Andrew, Anthony, and Greg!
December 2017- Group member Andrew Beck successfully defended his MS degree. Congratulations, Andrew!
November 2017- Sakineh Tavakkoli wins first place prize in the poster competition at the 9th Annual Sustainability Conference hosted by the ASCE Pittsburgh chapter. Congratulations, Sakineh!
October 2017- Dr. Khanna joins the editorial team of Resources, Conservation, and Recycling journal as an Associate Editor.
August 2017- Elmira Shamlou joins The Khanna Research Group as a PhD student. Welcome Elmira!
June 2017- Jorge Vendries successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Vendries!!!
May 2017- Group member and PhD advisee, Nemi Vora is selected for the prestigious International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Young Scientists Summer Program 2017. She will be spending 3 months in Laxenburg, Austria. Congratulations, Nemi!
April 2017- Super excited about our new paper on multistage torrefaction accepted for publication in Energy and Environmental Science journal. Congratulations to Greg, Andrew, and other team members!
April 2017- Sakineh's work on techno-economic assessment of membrane distillation in collaboration with Prof. Vidic's group is accepted for publication in Desalination journal. Congratulations!
March 2017- New collaborative paper led by Prof. Vidic's group on integrating membrane distillation with waste heat is accepted for publication in Desalination journal.
March 2017- Our recent paper on FEW nexus published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering is highlighted on the cover page of March issue. Congratulations team!
January 2017- Nemi's paper on Food-Energy-Water nexus is accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. Congratulations, Nemi!
December 2016- New paper on water reuse systems for net-zero buildings led by Prof. Bilec's group is accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Technology.
Dr. Zaimes accepted a position with KeyLogic. Congratulations, Greg!
2016 Environmental Science and Technology Best Papers of 2015, First Runner-up Award (PhD advisee Shauhrat Chopra is the first author on this publication).
2016 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship awarded to Trent Dillon.
2015 First Place Poster Prize to undergraduate advisee to Apurva Shah at the Annual AIChE meeting in Salt Lake City, UT.
2014 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship awarded to George Gregory Zaimes.
Vikas Khanna Selected to US National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium held in Irvine, CA, Oct. 27-30, 2013.